The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,” but that’s just the start. What do you do next?
Following Jesus is a life-long journey. No matter where you are at on that journey, we’re here to help! Let us help guide you toward the next steps in your walk with Christ.
Are you new to TFH? We want to meet you and answer any questions you have. Fill out a Connect Card online or visit us at any Connect Area at your local campus.
Learn the essentials of how to follow Jesus in just 6-weeks! The Essentials Class is designed to help you get started or dig deeper in your relationship with God. This six week experience will provide the tools and support you need to connect with God and with others.
This two-week class is designed to help you discover your life at The Father’s House. Psalm 92 says that when we are planted in the House of God, our lives flourish. Our hope is that through Discover you will find community, live your best life, and make the decision to call TFH your home Church.
You will learn about becoming a member in our Discover Classes. If you haven’t had a chance to do that, you can sign up here!
9:30 & 11:15am
Crystal Creek Homes
6010 12th St SE
Join us for our last Summer Sunday service on September 1st at 9:30! And stay after church to join us for a summery treat!
* Two Services resume on September 8th at 9:30 & 11:15am*